That is a long title, hence it’ll be a long topic. So long, in fact, that I could make a book out of it, so for this article I am only going to brush the surface of the glacier of topics of why that title is true so as not to overwhelm my readers.

First, if you’re new to the blog I need you to scroll down and read the following articles first. This way you’re on board and truly understanding everything I am saying without your own unintentionally, but nevertheless, ignorant thoughts.

  1. Your Little Girl Can Give Away Her Baby in Secret.
  2. The Adoption Industry Strips Fathers of Their Rights.
  3. You Were Very Likely Subtly Coerced Into Adoption.
  4. We Are All Adopted by God, But We Are Not All Adoptees.
  5. Who Can Start An Adoption Business?
  6. Take the Money Out of Adoption Just Like Australia Did.
  7. Birthparent Privacy is A Myth or Unseal Original Birth Certificates. (*Titles may not be exact).
  8. Stop Saying If A Woman Doesn’t Want Her Baby.

PETA created the photo used in this article and it couldn’t be more true. Yet, PETA -bless them- is unaware how much this photo and how much their cause mirrors that of adoptee rights and adoption reform and same goes for activists fighting for original birth certificates, family preservation, medical information, rights for men, the ending of sexism in the adoption industry and so much more.

Recently I became a vegan after learning that dairy cows are also slaughtered. I always knew that male baby cows are killed for veal or the runts are killed for veal so I stopped eating veal several years ago, except for one slip up (I’m sorry). What I wasn’t aware of, and eventually learnt, like you are now is that heifers (female adult dairy cows) are repeatedly impregnated through machines, give birth, and then their babies are forcibly taken away from them in order to make milk to make a profit. If you think this is no big deal and have heard phrases like “they are separated so they don’t step on their babies” I entice you to please watch videos of heifers crying for days for their babies both in tears and in depressing moos. Mother cows who will run, if possible, after the trucks taking away their babies and mother cows on animal sanctuaries who hide their babies because they’re afraid that one too will be taken away. Not to mention, although I am a genius in some respects I feel so dumb not stopping and thinking, cow’s milk is made and meant only for baby cows. 

We could flip this around and look at meat. Yesterday I had an appointment with my new doctor who said to me, and I quote, “don’t eat red meat. It only makes you fat.” I used to be underweight and now I am overweight. I’ve been ordered to completely cut out red meat. Studies have shown that a vegan diet does make you lose weight and vegans, unlike meat eating people (and I used to be one), do not have heart attacks. (*Please order a free Vegan Starter Kit from PETA to learn more). So, let’s look at meat. It’s the same issue. Mother and baby are forcibly separated from each other. A family is torn apart in order for someone to make a profit.

Now, I am not bashing farmers. I believe in FarmAid and I have respect for family farms, but up to a certain point now as I am learning the truth. I certainly don’t have and never had respect for factory farms. Farmers can make the humane and loving, and environmentally friendly, choice of stopping animal husbandry and become farmers of vegetables, nuts, beans, and fruits.

Us forwarding thinking, intelligent, and totally with it adoption activists understand that a baby should not be taken away from his mother and a mother from her baby. You remove the crisis, you don’t remove the child from his mother and mother from her child. Why don’t you think animals deserve the same?

In fact, don’t human babies deserve the same? People have been conditioned to believe they are doing someone a favour by taking away their baby. People have been conditioned to think these babies are unwanted. Yes, I understand there are abused and neglected children in this world. I’ve mentored, volunteered and worked with abused children. Here I am talking about those babies not neglected, not abused.

I’ll say it once again. It’s time to remove the crisis from the mother, not her baby. The adoption industry is a profit driven industry. In the US alone it racked in $12 billion in 2015. Blacks are priced lower than Whites. Males are priced lower than females. It’s a supply and demand situation. An infertile couple, whether because they are homosexual or because they are physically infertile, desire a baby. A first mother or first father wants her or his baby, a potential adopting person wants any baby. Infertile couples are lied to by the industry and told this will eliminate the pain of infertility. It won’t. It then becomes the adoptee’s lifelong responsibility to play the role of their biological child.

It’s time society stop finding it ethical to separate babies from their mothers regardless of the species. This separation comes down to one point. Self-centeredness.

You may not like what I say but it’s true. You’re self-centered. Look, I used to be self-centered too. I had a thought that because I love the taste of cheese that I deserve it. That isn’t enough. I want cheese, but I don’t need it. You want a baby, but you don’t need one. An infertile person grieves the loss of a baby never created. A first parent grieves the loss of a baby that they created, for life. It’s few and far between you get adoptive parents like mine who now realize the many lies told in the adoption industry and who fight for full equality for adoptees. Most continue to be self-centered, many guilt trip their children into not searching for biological family.

You have to step back and think mothers and babies are being separated so two industries, the factory farming industry, and the adoption industry can make a multibillion dollar profit annually.

Do you think these industries are regulated? Do you think there is oversight in either of these industries? There’s not. The farm factory industry has no regulation on sanitation. The adoption industry is loosely regulated and has no oversight and no credentials so not all children are placed in good homes. In fact, in 2015 102 to 105 adopted children were raped and murdered or murdered by their adoptive parents here in the United States. 25,000 adopted children in America every year are resold sometimes to paedophiles because of the lack of regulations in place, and even when the reselling of an adopted child (usually one who can’t speak English) is done with a lawyer the agency makes about $5,000 off of the kids (Reuters 2013 investigation, The Child Exchange). Birthparent privacy is a myth, adoptees are denied family medical information if the agency refuses to pass it along even if the first parent wants them to and yes this has killed people. This is the tip of the iceberg of the dark reality of adoption. Using organic meat and dairy makes no difference. It’s still forced separation, it’s still killing. It’s still an industry that is about as fucking shady as the adoption industry.

I know there will still be some that say “this is a weak argument” whether it’s to go vegan and/or to promote family preservation of human babies. Sorry, I can’t fix those who willingly want to remain ignorant. I hope in time everyone learns. I think the only way most people can learn is to watch grisly videos of what goes on in factory farms, and how many organic farms are utter bullcrap. I think people will only start to wake up and see how fucked up adoption really is in this country when it happens to them personally such as late discovery adoptee but for most it will never be personal. People want to live with comfortable lies instead of uncomfortable truths.

I am also pro-life because adoption is not the answer to abortion as I discussed in a previous article. Promoting adoption makes you pro-birth not pro-life. Pro-life is giving psychological and health care to the mother, prenatal care, helping them find a home, buying them baby necessities and yes I am a proud member of Saving Our Sisters. Yes, I am prolife even in the cases of rape and no I do not believe in out of family adoption for rape conceived babies either. It’s not a rape baby, it’s not demon spawn, my friend was raped by a serial killer in one of her states most brutal rapes (I will put her interview on here sometime). It’s amazing she is alive. Her son is her son. Her son is loved. He is not a reminder. Her numerous surgeries are a reminder. Yet she has church going fathers of young children tell her she should have “killed that demon spawn”. She has been told the serial killer should have killed her because she is raising her son. No baby deserves to be killed, be it human or animal, born or unborn. I stopped and thought, how can I call myself pro-life and continue to eat animals? I was being hypocritical.


Do you deserve someone else’s baby at the cost of someone’s happiness? When are you going to stop believing the comforting lies and wake up to the uncomfortable truths?

The Stork Market by Mirah Riben





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