Crystal Healing: Rose Quartz The Adoptee’s Crystal.

I am a holistic healer and I’m certified in masters level tarot readings and pendulum dowsing and I was just certified in masters crystal healing therapy. Later this year I will be certified in: EFT tapping, acupressure, feng shui, and Indian head massage. By next year I will, hopefully, be certified in CBT therapy as well. I will work with anyone who gravitates towards me but primarily I want to work with: adoptees, men, the LGBTQ community, and children.

Of course, due to covid I won’t be able to actually do some of these practices on people. However, some practices I can offer online and already do. If any of this sounds like an interest to you you can request to join my private group on Facebook Relax and Refocus with Megan DePerro or follow me on IG at relaxandrefocuswith Megan.

For now, during this pandemic, when it comes to crystal healing therapy I’m available for online assistance in helping you know what crystals are what you currently need and what crystals you should pair together for yourself. Why can’t I just go online and look? Because a lot of these people posting crystals and crystal pairings online do not have proper certification. They are pairing or making crystal sets that absolutely do not go together and will only cause problems. They don’t inform you what crystals are actually toxic such as black tourmaline and malachite if they touch water. They are putting crystals in gem water, a popular method these days, without knowing those crystals cannot touch water.

I’ve heard some controversy saying because I’m a Christian I can’t work with tarot or I can’t work with crystals. Any tool can be used for good or bad. It depends on how you use it. I don’t want to delve into tarot here, because this is an article about crystals and rose quartz, but I will say that tarot, crystals, all of them do not contact any evildoers. Tarot also does not, as much as the popular myth is told, predict the future. It is simply your subconscious mind coming to the surface saying this is what will be happening soon.

A common misconception with crystals is that people worship them and that Jews and Christians should not be using crystals because they’re worshipping them instead of Gd. Others say there is no scientific background in crystal healing. Neither is true.

All things in and on and above the planets was created by Gd. Crystals, which are immensely pressurized rocks, are created by God. God put many messages in things such as: sound, colours, crystals, animals, smells, flowers, mathematics and so much more. It is not only the spoken and written word that communicates.

I like all to keep an open mind. When you go into a crystal shop, being fully vaccinated and fully masked of course with a N95 mask, wash or sanitize your hands. Take some deep slow breaths breathing in through your nose and out of your belly. Be sure to not have any other crystals on you, so if you do put them in your pocket or lay them to the side for a moment.

Pick up a crystal without looking at the description. You should feel a certain way that nearly everybody else feels. I remember the first time I picked up howlite. I instantly had an intense feeling of calmness, and after I looked at the description sure enough it was the crystal of calmness.

Give it a chance with rose quartz. Rose quartz, a beautiful pink crystal is a crystal that emits unconditional love. It is a crystal for increasing self-love. Not being full of yourself love, but a self love for all people hurt and damaged in some manner. All adoptees, whether they want to admit it or not, have endured a trauma.

Many adoptees are hurting. Many adoptees are in the closet hurting. I am not saying that a rose quartz will eliminate your problems, but I am saying it’ll help. Every adoptee should have a rose quartz. A tumbled or rough piece of rose quartz, a rose quartz necklace or a rose quartz bracelet or rose quartz earrings. All crystals have energy so it needn’t be touching your skin but it is more powerful if it does. Wear it for a long time day and night, and within a few weeks you should start to see a difference.

God gave us these crystals to help us. God is sending a message in these crystals.

Give it a try, try some rose quartz.

Adoptees, Money and the Root Chakra.

The Indian chakra system has been in existence for thousands and thousands of years, first appearing in the Vedas. Of course, experts in the chakra system can tell you even more, but I have been studying and working with chakras for years now.

I’m only focusing for this article on the root chakra. The root chakra called the Muladhara is located at the base of the spine. Its colour is red.

Chakras need to be balanced. At times due to various causes, including and especially pre-verbal trauma such as circumcision, a traumatic birth, those who have survived a failed abortion, separation of biological mom and baby because of adoption, other forms of child abandonment in verbal years, baby shaken syndrome, and school yard bullying with parents saying “deal with it, toughen up”, and the schools as usually doing nothing about it, chakras can become unbalanced. An unbalanced chakra will be in excess or will be depleted. This can be assessed through a variety of means from intuition, to colour therapy, to sound therapy, to pendulum dowsing, and checking your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Adoptees, and some may not want to admit this, have serious root chakra problems. I include myself in this. It isn’t our fault. It is because of the pre-verbal trauma. No matter what family you were raised in, and I realize things are exacerbated for those adoptees raised in horrible homes, of which there are many cases especially for adoptees of colour, the trauma of the initial separation is still there even if your biological mother was a vicious, violent psychopath.

Some women are terrible, vicious mothers who shouldn’t be allowed to have children but even in those cases of removing an infant for her or his safety a baby simply does not understand as he or she spent nine months in the womb of his mother and knows no difference. In fact, for the newborn it is the fourth trimester, and he sees himself as still part of his mom. Removing him now causes identity problems later. Of course, the vast majority of first mothers are not bad people at all. The majority of them had no choice, but were forced to do adoption or wanted an open adoption and didn’t know that most close. Still, no matter the reasoning for the adoption the root chakra is still damaged.

This is why it’s so imperative to teach people that babies are not blank slates.

The root chakra is about survival. A balanced root chakra is about feeling grounded, secure, having the optimal weight, and have a good gastrointestinal and elimination process. A balanced root chakra makes you feel like you have a purpose and a right to be here.

All adoptees grew in the uteruses of women and girls who were under extreme stress during the time of their pregnancies. This developmentally changes the growing preborn baby on the cellular level. This shows up later in a multitude of miserable coping mechanism methods in adoptees such as their disdain for money and trouble keeping money, weight control problems and overeating, higher rates of drug use, and anxiety problems. I’ve been dealing with all three, although the first two I am getting under control and the last I am using holistic means to do so. I am fortunate to never have had a drug problem, but don’t judge who do. As someone smartly mentioned, weed is not the gateway drug trauma is.

The truth is any adoptee who says “that’s you that’s not me” is lying. Why? Because when speaking of infant adoption it’s a pre-verbal trauma and therefore it is stored deep, deep, deep into the subconscious level of the brain. Therefore, the adoptee throughout life, will live life in survival mechanism. Even for a child adopted when older it’s still a traumatic event which is something society refuses to see. Allow me to explain.

A child is removed from an abusive biological household and placed somewhere else into, what hopefully is, a loving family. Let’s assume for simplicity’s sake that the child is raised in a loving adoptive home. Even then, he or she at the root chakra level has the trauma of the separation from the original household and original family members they were with. He or she still has the abandonment, neglect the original family caused that has now created a severe and irrevocable damage to the root chakra.

This can make many good and loving adoptive parents feel very guilty. Why is my child always sad? Why does my adult child have such bad anxiety? Why can’t they access their heritage was asked before the ancestral DNA sites became in existence. Remember, while today many adopters are jealous, immature, narcissistic brats in the past many adopting had no idea what really occurred, and thought they were doing everyone a favour, and adoption agencies lied to these parents and told them their child would rarely get curious about their adoption, maybe just on their birthday.

A unbalanced root chakra is seen with: rage, anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity, weak physical health, apathy, laziness, lack of motivation, anemia, low self esteem, constipation, overweight, underweight, insecure and unstable.

We see adoptees are often unstable with money and there is a survival mechanism around money, careers and adoptees. What is my scientific basis for this? Well, does there always need to be scientific basis? It is quite often seen in simply interacting with other adoptees. It is something that other adoptees have noticed as well, and brought to my attention.

With every adoptee trying to literally find themselves there becomes a disconnect with money in one of two ways.

Type A not enough: this is the adoptee who struggles financially, they go from job, to job to job to job not knowing exactly what they want to do. Part of this reason is because of a disconnect with their biological family to know their natural talents and have those finely tuned since childhood. They often can’t stay in one job because their minds are so preoccupied with finding themselves and finding answers they need that were wrongfully taken from them. Perhaps this adoptee also likely comes from a Christian home that taught them “money is the root of all evil” when in fact the proper sentencing is “love of money is the root of all evil”. The damaged root chakra causes a lack of security in the self and this therefore causes a lack of security involving money. You often see this with adoptees saying comments such as “I’m on disability” realizing or not realizing their physical, mental and emotional ailments are caused by adoptee trauma, “I don’t have the money”, “I’m broke” and so on and so forth.

These type of adoptees also believe everyone should do stuff for free. “We were all traumatized so we should all be helping each other for free”. You hear this comment time and time again. Whether it’s being a search angel or whatever it may be. Yet, a physical therapist who has also been injured himself isn’t going to go up to someone and say “yeah, I damaged my leg too so I guess you don’t have to pay me.” People absolutely should be paid for their services or a barter or trade should be done. I’ve had many people get mad that I now say you must pay me for my services if you want me to look for someone. I also am the only person who will require you to do necessary reading before I search for you. Many paid searchers won’t even look without a name and are demanding thousands. That’s not me. I’m certified at the masters level in tarot and have had adoptees tell me I should be offering my services for free or on a sliding scale. I was doing this myself too, selling myself short, giving information out for free and doing things for free until I learned it stemmed from a damaged root chakra which stems from the complexities of adoptee trauma.

And it needs to be said, no you’re not getting free service just because you’ve been traumatized and don’t assume you’re getting free service just because you’ve been traumatized. Offer payment, trade, or to do something in return. Maybe a free service once or twice in agreement that you will pay for other services later on.

Adoptees we must start being paid for our services, including what we teach others and yes I absolutely should have been and should be paid for this blog which is a wealth of factual information.

Why is it wrong to help someone? There is nothing wrong with helping someone, but it becomes a problem with several hours of a service are being taken advantage of or when people automatically assume it should be done for free. When you provide a service that is done too cheaply then it makes yourself look cheap and as if you’re not very good. I price my tarot readings at $45 to $55, which is very reasonable and shows that I do a good job. My readings are very detailed lasting an hour to 90 minutes long and include looking at the herbology, numerology, and colour of a card and how it relates to the person coming to a reading with me. Yet I had someone say they should be only $20, they should be on a sliding scale. Trust me, if I had said they are $20 I can guarantee fellow adoptees would still say I can’t afford that or it’s too much money. If you can’t afford something that only costs $20 you’ve got a problem, and that includes myself at times. If you simply don’t want to pay for something because you have no interest in it that’s different. And I don’t mean problems like your bank account being constantly hacked.

Then you have the other adoptees, and these are of a smaller minority. The overachiever, highly economically successful adoptees yet they too have a damaged root chakra. These are the adoptees with a plastered smile on their face, who will praise adoption and claim because of adoption they are who they are this day, when that is simply not true. These are the adoptees who become highly successful in their jobs. So what is the problem here? It is because that high level of achievement stems from feeling underrated and under appreciated as a child. It sometimes can stem from a damaging self belief in the Asian minority model myth. It can stem from not having a connection to roots, to the biological family, and feeling like they must really prove themselves in order to be accepted by their adoptive families, or by society. “I have to become the best of the best in order to prove and thank my adoptive parents that they love me so much and they did a good job”. Of course, there’s nothing wrong in being successful. I applaud it and encourage it, but there’s a severe problem with a minority myth model is upheld, when microaggressions towards adoptees are upheld, and when racial microaggressions are upheld by the adoptee because they feel they won’t fit or will be rejected.

It is time for adoptees, and anyone severely traumatized in childhood, verbal or pre-verbal, to speak up. Drown out the voices of those who claim “it was so long ago” or “get over it”. Make adoptees who don’t want to learn the truth that adoption has nothing to do with making a person successful uncomfortable. The truth will make people uncomfortable but that’s how people grow. Do what needs to be done for your root chakra to be balanced and healthy, and what that is will entirely depend on each person’s needs and desires. I’m not being paid for it, so it’s up to each and everyone of you to look up how to balance your root chakra and then go about doing it how you see best for your own self.

Not All Adoptee Voices Matter and Here’s Why.

November is National Adoption Month. The month I and literally thousands, or is it millions?, of adoptees ramble on about achieving adoptee rights and necessary adoption reform because yet again not enough politicians want to listen and next to no change has been made in societies to make adoption less corrupt, less dangerous, and less manipulative. For me, at least, December is in some capacity an almost welcome break. Any adoptee knows, any activist knows, it’s tiresome work, but November is a month we simply cannot shut up. December is a month for me to think about the month I was born in, to two greedy, narcissistic, likely psychopathic twatwaffle without a conscience nor a soul, but how much I’ve gained how good triumphs over evil if you will and the fact with all the problems, discrimination and corruption in adoption it did save me from having to live with batshit, crazy, evil people and how I fortunately found some beautiful extended cousins, a close cousin; daughter of my aunt, and two lovely paternal aunts who, mind you, are definitely not batshit crazy and evil. This does not mean though that I condone how adoption is done, but I’ve spoken about necessary changes many, many times.

So, after waffling on as I usually do, because I do talk too much, I want to say what needs to be said. It’s another elephant in the room and I feel like other adoptees notice it but don’t have the audacity to say it aloud. Not all adoptee voices matter!

No, they don’t and you can argue all you want to be politically correct or not want to create anymore drama and infighting in the adoptee community or adoption triad, whatever you want to call it, but deep inside you know it to be true.

Why is this? Or you might be even saying that’s your opinion Megan, I don’t agree, every adoptee voice matters. This is because you have an assumption that fellow adoptees believe, act, think, and respond close to the parameters of how you think, act, feel, do, believe, etc. That some things you might not agree upon, but that overall most things you do. The problem here is you haven’t met the adoptees so casted into the dark. It’s like physically they are here but emotionally and mentally they are aimlessly floating in the dark with no attachment to their physical body. They act like robots to please their adopters a lot, lot more than the typical trauma associated with adoptees even neonatal trauma which societies prefer to ignore. The sad part is these adoptees, adoptees whose voices don’t matter, are so damn deeply embedded in the fog they don’t even realize their experiencing trauma or they are trying to supress it because it feels more comfortable for themselves to be in the fog because they can’t see what lies beyond the fog. I’ll explain what I mean by that after my three examples.

  1. Adoptee type 1 whose voice doesn’t matter. The adoptee who has zero acceptance of their identity and chooses to completely take on the identity given of them by his or her adopters to an extreme point. So, are you saying every adoptee who chooses to keep their adoptive name, which is like 99.9% of adoptees, shouldn’t speak? No. I’m talking about the adoptees who want to pretend they’re an entirely different race. Yes, this does happen. There are adoptees who are victims of cultural and racial genocide because being people of colour, raised in White homes, and in White communities they have had their ethnic and racial heritages completely destroyed. Ethnic heritage destroyed of White adoptees happens too but adoptees denying their actual racial background is a whole ‘nother level. There are adoptees, and I’ve read their comments online, who have stated “I was born in Korea to biological Korean parents, but because I was adopted by my White parents I am now German and Irish just like them.” This is why it needs to be imperative that racial and cultural preservation is preserved amongst adoptees regardless of our age. People can endure a trauma they don’t even know their experiencing and that ignorance will spread like a wildfire. Imagine this Korean born woman doing a mentoring workshop with little Korean adoptee children and telling them not only not to embrace their Koreanness but to convince them that they now are only the ethnicities and races of their adoptive parents. Yikes! There is nothing wrong with embracing the cultures of your adoptive family. I encourage people to learn different languages, cuisines, customs, and traditions of different cultures but never at the expense of losing one’s own.

2. Adoptee type 2 whose voice doesn’t matter. The condescending, sorry you feel that way, I don’t see adoption like that type of adoptee. Us in the adoptee community know what I mean by this. The type of adoptee that when you tell your story, your own personal story they respond with “I’m sorry you feel that way” and you have to look at them like, bitch, pardon me? I just told you my adopter father nearly murdered me and went to prison for 20 years for it or excuse me I found out I was adopted when I was 18, was lied to and told my mom was 14 and poor when she was actually a married Jewish woman who was drugged and her baby, me, stolen and yet these adoptees respond with the most outrageous comments such as, “sorry, but not all adoptions are like that. Mine was perfect.” If people are that flippant over someone else’s trauma then they are not helping the cause at all. It astonishes me these types of adoptees even exist and even after being educated on how freaking bad things are they still promote adoption as being an absolutely perfect entity and a completely flawed system that “saves every baby from abortion.” As mentioned in an article from years ago, adoption does nothing to prevent abortion. The truth with these adoptees is that they are too frightened to look at their own stories. The “adoption saved me from abortion, my birthmom made an amazing choice of love, I’m hapy and so should you be” is a facade (accent mark unde the c) because deep down we educated adoptees know these adoptees just can’t handle the truth. They don’t want to search because they are afraid their adoptive parents will abandon them like their biological parents did, they are afraid of displeasing their adoptive parents, their afraid of being rejected, their afraid to learn they were kidnapped or given away after so much exploitation, pressure, and deceit, they don’t feel comfortable being amongst people of their own heritage, they don’t even want to know their true heritage or associate with their race, if another race, because it reminds them that they have a position of “other”.

3. Adoptee type 3 whose voice doesn’t matter. The adoptee who denies they’re adopted. It’s an adoptee’s perogative to tell to whom they want that they are adopted. This can’t be done when the adoptee doesn’t look like their adoptive family, but in those cases it’s the adoptee perogative to decide whether or not they want to answer someone’s question or statement of, “oh you’re adopted. How lovely. My __________ fill in the blank is also adopted from ____________ fill in the blank country.” There’s nothing wrong with people trying to be nice, but this doesn’t give them a free invite to play 20 questions. Sadly, there are adoptees who deny to everyone, perhaps even to themselves that they are adopted. When someone mentions they are adopted they become angry.

I came across a woman a couple nights ago online who was unbelievably damaging to changing societies behaviour to adoptees and reforming adoption that it almost made me wonder if she were an actual adoptee or a troll. She is from Russia, but this doesn’t matter at all because we see problems with adoption and with adoptees the world over. She discovered a few years at the age of 32 that she’s adopted. She said she pretends she doesn’t know she’s adopted in order to make her adopter feel comfortable. To deny someone’s story and truth just so you feel more comfortable is cruel, bad parenting, damaging, and selfish. She acted like because she doesn’t have any genetic disorders it’s no big deal that other adoptees don’t have biological medical information. She was condescending and flippant to adoptees who have or are dealing with trauma for whatever reason that is connected to adoption, and that whatever reason is their own damn business. No, this wasn’t me misterpreting or taking it out of context. I’ll copy and paste it here.

“Biological parenting does not matter. It’s not a big effort to have sex, get pregnant and pop a human into the world. But it is all about raising a good human being, giving love and care, good life and hope. Real true parents are those who rased you, not those who produced.

-Most of biological parents were uncapable to be parents: drugs, poverty, mental illness, “too many children already but we will make more, who cares if be barely can provide for ourselves”.

-Only reason to be told about adoption-medical condition and total racial difference. It will save parents from wondering if you going to betrade them for biological parents in the future, regardless to the time and love they dedicated to you, will not affect your own curious mind and develope split personality.

-I’m a late term adoptee. I’m 32 and found out by accident decade ago. No. I’m not angry. Not all my life was fake. Vagina, that produced me is the only one point in my history that was untold, the rest of life was happy and very true. I still pretend to my family I do not know I’m adopted not to make my mom upset.

-Your biological parents rejected you. Move on. You have a real family now. You don’t need to dig info on your biological parents, send them greetings or stay in touch. 9 month in the womb is not a big dedication. Pay more attention to the family that is really yours.

-I do wonder if I have some genetic problems. So far so good.

-I don’t want to look for my birth parents. I’m not curious, I don’t feel abandoned (never had), never thought about it.

-I’m curious about my possible siblings thou. Would like to find out if I have any.

-Person who told me I were adopted also told me my birth name. And I like it better than my lifetime name, but I moved to the USA, and it would sound like Allah (non-muslim name in Russia). So I’m glad my mom changed it.”

So what’s wrong with this? Lying to your own child about them being adopted, pretending you don’t know, the lies that most biological parents have something seriously wrong with them like drug addiction is not true whatsoever whether it’s Russia or Canada or China or Japan or Italy or Greece or Australia or the US or, etc. Telling people what they should know about their own adoptions. Each adoptee should decide for themselves what and how much they want to know. That isn’t up for anyone else to decide as much as the governments like to think so. Too much has been taken from us adoptees without our permission. Knowledge stolen from us, birth certificates stolen from us, medical knowledge stolen from us, safe, biological family members stolen from us, in some cases our true race stolen from us. Many come to learn that are part Native American, part Jewish, or part Black but passed as White and were only told about their White race or lied to and told they are completely White. Claiming that your first mother and biological dad are not your real parents because they weren’t there is not true for those who wanted to be. The ignorance of this woman is not only astounding it is frankly extremely damaging. Nearly all want to raise their babies, keep their children, but don’t because they are told they aren’t good enough and adoption is the only true option for their child, which Saving Our Sisters will tell you is next to never the answer, and in those very rare times it is nearly always extended family is willing and able to pitch in and if not, then legal guardianship or kinship care can be sought. There are other things wrong with this, but you get the gist.

We needn’t agree on everything so long as we can agree on recognizing and helping adoptees with trauma, spreading the truth that it’s perfectly alright to be happy to be adopted but know others are not for whatever reason and that’s alright too, and that reformation in the multibillion dollar, racist, corrupt, loosely regulated, uncredentialed adoption industry especially with a focus on ending the high suicide rate amongst adoptees even higher amongst LGBT adoptees and adoptees of colour and ending human trafficking in adoption are necessary musts.

Blood Does Make a Family

I hear and read too often the erroneous phrase “blood doesn’t make a family.” Blood does make a family. We cannot erase logic and biology for the simple subtle coercive push of the adoption industry. Blood makes a family and adoption makes a family. Both make a family. For too long we have believed that when an infant or child is adopted that the adoptee’s natural family is utterly erased which is why amended birth certificates exist when they should not as they are discriminatory. While I wish my natural family (aside from extended cousins who talk to me already) would talk to me because it’s hurtful that they don’t and because I love them unconditionally, we do have much in common. I’ve been separated from them for over thirty years yet our mutual interests and talents is astounding. Blood makes a family and this can be seen not only in biology; shared facial features and body shapes, but also in interests and talents. Sure if it were a few things one could chalk it up to being raised in the same country. However, when the list is exhaustive as mine you see DNA shares more than just the same eyes or the same nose. Remember you are the love of a thousand ancestors, adoptees deserve to know and participate in that love too. Let’s take a look at the similarities between myself and my natural family members:



*Love of cars



*Unicorns/other magical creatures

*Fantasy genre

*Nontraditional schooling

*Same interests in occupations (except engineering)


*Playing card games



*Interest in European cultures

*Interest in visiting and living in Europe

*Languages, knowing European languages

*Sense of Humor



The list goes on and on. The only differences I could find, and maybe it is no difference aside from engineering is my love for martial arts; something I strongly recommend all girls and women to do. God plays a role in bringing us back together and me finding them after a thirteen year, $3000 search. It is my prayer one day I can go sailing with them or teach them one of the many European languages I know or some basic martial arts skills or learn an European language from one of them I have yet to learn or create a sculpture together or improve my sewing skills. It would be nice if my immediate biological family was kind to me, and didn’t literally act like I don’t exist. There’s absolutely no reason for that nonsense.