I hear and read too often the erroneous phrase “blood doesn’t make a family.” Blood does make a family. We cannot erase logic and biology for the simple subtle coercive push of the adoption industry. Blood makes a family and adoption makes a family. Both make a family. For too long we have believed that when an infant or child is adopted that the adoptee’s natural family is utterly erased which is why amended birth certificates exist when they should not as they are discriminatory. While I wish my natural family (aside from extended cousins who talk to me already) would talk to me because it’s hurtful that they don’t and because I love them unconditionally, we do have much in common. I’ve been separated from them for over thirty years yet our mutual interests and talents is astounding. Blood makes a family and this can be seen not only in biology; shared facial features and body shapes, but also in interests and talents. Sure if it were a few things one could chalk it up to being raised in the same country. However, when the list is exhaustive as mine you see DNA shares more than just the same eyes or the same nose. Remember you are the love of a thousand ancestors, adoptees deserve to know and participate in that love too. Let’s take a look at the similarities between myself and my natural family members:



*Love of cars



*Unicorns/other magical creatures

*Fantasy genre

*Nontraditional schooling

*Same interests in occupations (except engineering)


*Playing card games



*Interest in European cultures

*Interest in visiting and living in Europe

*Languages, knowing European languages

*Sense of Humor



The list goes on and on. The only differences I could find, and maybe it is no difference aside from engineering is my love for martial arts; something I strongly recommend all girls and women to do. God plays a role in bringing us back together and me finding them after a thirteen year, $3000 search. It is my prayer one day I can go sailing with them or teach them one of the many European languages I know or some basic martial arts skills or learn an European language from one of them I have yet to learn or create a sculpture together or improve my sewing skills. It would be nice if my immediate biological family was kind to me, and didn’t literally act like I don’t exist. There’s absolutely no reason for that nonsense.

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